The Method to Add Keywords to HTML

by Nathan Reynolds

A vital component for any small business is having a website, and it’s likely that you already have one. However, achieving a high ranking in search engine results is crucial for attracting substantial traffic. Therefore, prioritizing website optimization is essential. The most straightforward method involves incorporating relevant keywords to ensure search engines swiftly comprehend your website’s content.

To implement this, add keywords to HTML pages by placing the Meta Keywords tag within the Head section of the code. Within this Meta tag, include a list of keywords pertinent to your business. It’s imperative to avoid including irrelevant keywords, as Google may penalize such practices. Additionally, refrain from repetitively using keywords with the aim of boosting your page’s ranking, as this “keyword stuffing” approach can adversely impact your page’s standing.


Sublime Text

Open the Web page in a text editor, such as Sublime Text or Notepad, to view the HTML code.


Locate the “<head>”

Locate the “<head>” tag at the top of the HTML code.


Meta keywords

Insert “<meta name=”keywords” content=”” />” (without the beginning and ending quotes) under the <head> tag and before the </head> tag. The “keywords” value of the name attribute indicates the meta tag is used to add keywords.


Insert your customized keywords

Insert your keywords between the double quotes next to the content attribute and separate them with commas. For example: <meta name=”keywords” content=”keyword1, keyword2, keyword3″ />.


Save the Web page and close the text editor.

Final Step

Open the Web page inside a Web browser to test it.

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