People Are Utilizing ChatGPT in Five Innovative Ways

by Ethan Carter

The AI is aiding Twitter users in plotting movies, designing meal plans, and more.

AI for Twitter

On November 30, OpenAI, the research lab responsible for the revolutionary text-to-image AI DALL-E 2, introduced its latest innovation: ChatGPT, an AI chatbot with the ability to provide detailed responses to text prompts.

Within five days, over one million people had signed up to test this cutting-edge technology, as reported by OpenAI President Greg Brockman. Now, Twitter feeds are inundated with prompts and the AI’s responses, captivating users with the bot’s linguistic prowess.

It’s important to note that the bot excels in “mastery of language” rather than “mastery of facts.” While it generates human-like text, it may contain basic factual errors, posing challenges for applications like autonomously generating working computer code. Nevertheless, the Twittersphere has discovered numerous other areas where the bot excels—or at least entertains.

Here are a few of our favorites.

Crafting Movie Plots

Numerous Twitter users have experimented with ChatGPT’s ability to create the next Hollywood blockbuster, yielding varied outcomes.

The AI effortlessly composed synopses for @GuyP’s horror film set on an oil rig and @mostserene’s rom-com set at the Hoover Dam. However, it hesitated when confronted with @andyyoungfilm’s request for details about a sarcastic sports movie titled “Four Eyes.”

Despite its creativity, ChatGPT didn’t hold back. It was willing to critique “Oil and Darkness” in the manner of Roger Ebert, deeming the yet-to-be-made film’s attempts at suspense as “laughably bad.”

Generating Side Hustle Ideas

Side Hustle Ideas

While the Twitter account @aifunhouse primarily focuses on offering tips and tutorials for utilizing generative AI as its “day job,” there are times when a side hustle becomes necessary to cover the bills. In determining the ideal side hustle and how to kick-start it, the team sought guidance from ChatGPT.

The AI presented a comprehensive five-step plan for initiating an online business. This plan encompassed advice on creating a website, attracting traffic, and even included a list of potential products and services to sell. The guidance extended further, recommending market research to evaluate potential demand.

Telling jokes

Telling jokes

Users of ChatGPT have found amusement in the bot’s knack for delivering jokes. Whether it’s due to genuinely humorous content (as seen in the Norm McDonald-style holiday zinger below) or the sheer hilarity of some intentionally bad jokes, ChatGPT has become a go-to for anyone, especially dads, in need of new comedic material.

Additionally, ChatGPT goes beyond mere joke-telling. It can elucidate jokes upon request and spontaneously share jokes even when not explicitly prompted. The AI occasionally takes it a step further, providing an explanation right after delivering a joke, adding an extra layer to the humor.

Assisting in Weight Loss Goals

Weight Loss Goals

While it required persistent questioning to obtain accurate calorie counts, and the AI didn’t quite nail down a workout plan within specified constraints, it successfully calculated nutritional needs, devised a daily menu, and generated a comprehensive grocery list.

Commanding Other AIs

ChatGPT’s introduction coincided with the release of DALL-E 2, prompting many Twitter users to leverage the new AI for generating prompts to feed into its predecessor and other text-to-image AIs. Notably, @GuyP even produced images to complement ChatGPT’s suggestions for the fictional movie “Oil and Darkness.”

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